Elite Dangerous Journal Processor

Exploration Tools

Earth-like Worlds

EDJP can help you catalogue your Earth-like World discoveries, check how rare they are compared to other Earth-likes, and help format them for submission to the List of Earth-like worlds

Follow Waypoints

EDJP can help you create routes of waypoints to follow, and assist you following them by automatically putting your next waypoint into the clipboard once you reach the current waypoint, ready for pasting into the Galaxy Map. It can also take a list of waypoints and reorder them into the most efficient route.

Boxel Survey

EDJP can assist you in deep space boxel surveys by automatically putting your next target system into the clipboard, and skipping any systems you've already visited. It can also show where a boxel is in relation to the rest of the sector.

Much More!

It has an overlay that can show you brief body details without needing to view the System Map. It can estimate body value. It can tell you the age of a system as you jump in. By selecting a system on the Galaxy Map, EJDP can tell you if it has already been uploaded to EDSM or not. More features are also in development.



From version 2.5.0, EDJP requires .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime (x64) which can be downloaded here from Microsoft
(Make sure you select the Desktop App download for Windows x64)




Click here to grab the latest version.
The current release version is 2.5.4

THIS VERSION REQUIRES .NET 8.0 - please check Requirements
